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The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
— Matthew 25:40
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Bridge to Grace Ministries has been serving the Jungles and remote corners of Nicaragua Since 2014

It was a blessing serving in Nicaragua with BTGM. Being God's hands and feet, sharing the gospel reaching the unreached.

It was a blessing serving in Nicaragua with BTGM. Being God's hands and feet, sharing the gospel reaching the unreached.

I was blessed to have my very first missions trip with BTGM. It was a blessing how much God is working through his people. Nicaragua has made a big impact in my life and has motivated me to strive to be the light to others.

I was blessed to have my very first missions trip with BTGM. It was a blessing how much God is working through his people. Nicaragua has made a big impact in my life and has motivated me to strive to be the light to others.

On the trips that I took with BTGM, I personally saw their passion for the lost, the commitment
to conquer the physical challenges of reaching remote locations with the Good News,
and love for the children living in very poor conditions.

On the trips that I took with BTGM, I personally saw their passion for the lost, the commitment
to conquer the physical challenges of reaching remote locations with the Good News,
and love for the children living in very poor conditions.

God has been moving and using BTGM greatly to pour out His love and spread the Gospel to reach the unreached.

God has been moving and using BTGM greatly to pour out His love and spread the Gospel to reach the unreached.

It's always a great privilege and a blessing to go on a missionary trip with BTGM. These trips are hands on, you're always moving and serving. It's amazing to see what God can do through a team of dedicated people.

It's always a great privilege and a blessing to go on a missionary trip with BTGM. These trips are hands on, you're always moving and serving. It's amazing to see what God can do through a team of dedicated people.

It becomes evident, to anyone who witnesses, how impactful BTGM is to the communities it reaches. It is a blessing to be part of BTGM.

It becomes evident, to anyone who witnesses, how impactful BTGM is to the communities it reaches. It is a blessing to be part of BTGM.

The trips with BTGM have impacted my life in a great way, I have realized that the need for God is in every corner of the world. I just want to bring the Gospel and the Love of God to each needy person!

The trips with BTGM have impacted my life in a great way, I have realized that the need for God is in every corner of the world. I just want to bring the Gospel and the Love of God to each needy person!

I have been to Nicaragua with BTGM 2 times and I was touched by the work that the ministry does. BTGM is planting a beautiful seed, and perhaps the beginning of the last harvest for the Kingdom of God.

I have been to Nicaragua with BTGM 2 times and I was touched by the work that the ministry does. BTGM is planting a beautiful seed, and perhaps the beginning of the last harvest for the Kingdom of God.

Serving with BTGM has been one of my best experiences serving God. Being able to see great love of God brought to the Miskito people is something that has definitely impacted my life.

Serving with BTGM has been one of my best experiences serving God. Being able to see great love of God brought to the Miskito people is something that has definitely impacted my life.

The Passion that God instilled into the BTGM leadership is overwhelming. Every trip that the team makes, every piece of clothing that the team distributes, and every prayer that is spoken over the Miskito people provides an opportunity for each individual to feel and receive God's everlasting love and salvation.

The Passion that God instilled into the BTGM leadership is overwhelming. Every trip that the team makes, every piece of clothing that the team distributes, and every prayer that is spoken over the Miskito people provides an opportunity for each individual to feel and receive God's everlasting love and salvation.

On BTGM trips we give out food, clothing and shoes, playing with children, preaching the gospel, showing the Jesus film and praying with every family. We work long hours, eating sparsely and hundreds of people receive Jesus. There is no doubt that we are making an impact.

On BTGM trips we give out food, clothing and shoes, playing with children, preaching the gospel, showing the Jesus film and praying with every family. We work long hours, eating sparsely and hundreds of people receive Jesus. There is no doubt that we are making an impact.

I got the opportunity to join BTGM March 2020, and it was truly an amazing experience! Being able to serve God's people with BTGM was a blessing to me. God is moving in Nicaragua!

I got the opportunity to join BTGM March 2020, and it was truly an amazing experience! Being able to serve God's people with BTGM was a blessing to me. God is moving in Nicaragua!

There are moments in life that you always cherish and never forget. Going on missions with BTGM to Nicaragua was one of those moments. God's hand is moving in the remotest of places, and the impact it's having is rippling through the world.

There are moments in life that you always cherish and never forget. Going on missions with BTGM to Nicaragua was one of those moments. God's hand is moving in the remotest of places, and the impact it's having is rippling through the world.

BTGM was my first missions trip, it was incredible to see and be a part of what God is doing through the ministry in Nicaragua! Seeing everyone from different places come together to reach the un-reached is truly an indescribably feeling!

BTGM was my first missions trip, it was incredible to see and be a part of what God is doing through the ministry in Nicaragua! Seeing everyone from different places come together to reach the un-reached is truly an indescribably feeling!

I saw that the Miskito people have a great need for Jesus, that made my missions trip exciting and rewarding. To pray for them, to lead them to Christ and seeing how the Holy Spirit touches their lives for the first time is rewarding.

I saw that the Miskito people have a great need for Jesus, that made my missions trip exciting and rewarding. To pray for them, to lead them to Christ and seeing how the Holy Spirit touches their lives for the first time is rewarding.

BTGM is evident in their pursuit of serving God through serving others. I witnessed firsthand how much God is using the ministry to impact so many lives, through their deep desire to spread the gospel, selflessly help those in need and reach the unreachable places.

BTGM is evident in their pursuit of serving God through serving others. I witnessed firsthand how much God is using the ministry to impact so many lives, through their deep desire to spread the gospel, selflessly help those in need and reach the unreachable places.

March 2020 I was able to join BTGM on a trip to Miskito Tribes. The travel was long and hard, but the result was rewarding. There is nothing better than to be a tiny piece of God's great commission.

March 2020 I was able to join BTGM on a trip to Miskito Tribes. The travel was long and hard, but the result was rewarding. There is nothing better than to be a tiny piece of God's great commission.

I'm grateful to our heavenly father for allowing me to be part of BTGM that brings the word of love and salvation to the Miskito communities. I was impacted by how desirably Miskito people received Jesus.

I'm grateful to our heavenly father for allowing me to be part of BTGM that brings the word of love and salvation to the Miskito communities. I was impacted by how desirably Miskito people received Jesus.

With a Christ centered vision BTGM is dedicated, passionate and takes their missions seriously, knowing it's results has eternal value. No matter what happens BTGM handles any situation with positive attitude that blesses all those around.

With a Christ centered vision BTGM is dedicated, passionate and takes their missions seriously, knowing it's results has eternal value. No matter what happens BTGM handles any situation with positive attitude that blesses all those around.

I was blessed with the opportunity to serve with BTGM summer 2017, this trip was unforgettable. It amazed me to see how God can use ordinary people to share His love and gospel to those who have not received it.

I was blessed with the opportunity to serve with BTGM summer 2017, this trip was unforgettable. It amazed me to see how God can use ordinary people to share His love and gospel to those who have not received it.

God is doing amazing things through BTGM. I have been part of the group for several trips and I've seen the power of God working on every life and place that we go.

God is doing amazing things through BTGM. I have been part of the group for several trips and I've seen the power of God working on every life and place that we go.

BTGM provided me the opportunity to pursue my first mission trip and it was truly remarkable experience to share the love of Christ with the people of Nicaragua. It is clear that the leadership of BTGM are led by the Spirit of God and I know God will continue to use them to change the world.

BTGM provided me the opportunity to pursue my first mission trip and it was truly remarkable experience to share the love of Christ with the people of Nicaragua. It is clear that the leadership of BTGM are led by the Spirit of God and I know God will continue to use them to change the world.

Since my first trip with BTGM, God changed my life, seeing His mercy and miracles through different people. Knowing BTGM as a bridge to show us the way to reach God in Nicaragua.

Since my first trip with BTGM, God changed my life, seeing His mercy and miracles through different people. Knowing BTGM as a bridge to show us the way to reach God in Nicaragua.

God revealed His heart incredibly to me through Nicaragua. It's an honor to join the BTGM family towards God's will to reach all. His love that expands all borders and imagination to heal even the forgotten in beautiful!

God revealed His heart incredibly to me through Nicaragua. It's an honor to join the BTGM family towards God's will to reach all. His love that expands all borders and imagination to heal even the forgotten in beautiful!

I was blessed to be able to join BTGM on a missionary trip to visit the Miskito tribes in Nicaragua in Spring of 2020. At times travel wasn't easy but with Gods help and great organization of BTGM team, we were able to complete the work that God put on our hearts. Alex and the team has a great vision for the future work to be done in Nicaragua.

I was blessed to be able to join BTGM on a missionary trip to visit the Miskito tribes in Nicaragua in Spring of 2020. At times travel wasn't easy but with Gods help and great organization of BTGM team, we were able to complete the work that God put on our hearts. Alex and the team has a great vision for the future work to be done in Nicaragua.
Being obedient to our calling is our focus
There is nothing that remotely approaches, in terms of excitement, satisfaction and fulfillment, then to be an instrument in the hands of the Almighty God to do His work.

Alex Semenyuk
Founder & President
Inessa Maslova
Administrator & Missionary